We are about to witness one of the most important sporting events of the year, which has become synonymous with dressing up and looking your best. Are you wondering what to wear to Wimbledon 2025? Keep reading to know more!
Whether you’re a tennis lover or not, Wimbledon is definitely worth checking out, as it is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious tournaments. This event, rooted in tradition and history, captures public attention every year, as everyone is anxious to see who will win.
Talking about tradition, while you remember to stock up on strawberries and cream, you might also want to ensure you are kitted out in a way that matches the occasion. So, if you’re unsure of what to wear to Wimbledon 2025, we have put together a few tips to help you up your fashion game. But, first, let’s take a look at:
Why You Should Attend Wimbledon 2025
As we have already mentioned, Wimbledon is one of the most significant sporting events in the world. This alone should suffice to tempt you into attending, but if you need a little more convincing, here are other reasons why Wimbledon 2025 is definitely worth checking out:
• You get to see the best tennis players in the world compete against each other
• It’s a perfect excuse to dress up and enjoy a day out
• You can experience the unique atmosphere that Wimbledon is so well known for
• It’s an excellent opportunity to rub shoulders with or catch a glimpse of royalty and celebrities
• You can enjoy some delicious strawberries and cream
• It is the perfect opportunity to experience London at its best.
Now that we’ve whetted your appetite, you might want to know:
When Is Wimbledon 2025?
This year’s edition of Wimbledon will take place from June 30 to July 13. So, highlight these dates in your calendar and start planning your trip and outfits.
Knowing the date also gives you a clue as to what the weather might be like, so you can start thinking about what type of clothing you will need.
Wimbledon falls during the summer months, and so, it is usually a hot and sunny event, so it’s best to pack light clothes that will keep you cool. However, you should know that this is not set in stone, as the British weather is famously unpredictable. So, while everything indicates that the sky will be blue, it’s always best to pack a light jacket, just in case it turns to rain showers.
We can now address your most pressing question:
Is There Any Such Thing as a “Wimbledon Attire”?
We would say yes and no. There is no official attire for Wimbledon spectators unless you are sitting in the Royal Box, but there are certain sartorial expectations that have been established over the years. So, while you are not required to don a specific type of clothing, it is always best to dress in a way that is respectful of the event and its history.
At least, you will be glad to know that you won’t be confined to the strict rules that the players must follow, as they are all required to dress in all white.
With this in mind, we would recommend opting for smart casual attire. This means clothes that are neither too formal nor too casual.
What to Wear to Wimbledon 2025
Now that we have given you some background information, it’s time to start thinking about what to wear to Wimbledon 2025.
As we have hinted above, if you have managed to secure an invitation to the Royal Box, you will need to dress in a way befitting of royalty. This means suits/jackets and ties, and women should avoid wearing hats, so they don’t block the view of the people behind them.
If you are not attending the Royal Box, you have a bit more freedom when it comes to what you wear. However, we recommend avoiding anything too casual, such as torn jeans or sports shorts.
Instead, we would suggest going for:
• A dress or skirt and blouse combination for women
• A shirt and pants or tailored shorts for men
• Summer knits and linen pieces
• A lightweight and breathable suit for men or women
• Comfortable shoes, as you will be doing a lot of walking
• A sun hat or sunglasses to protect you from the sun.
Of course, you should always consider the weather when choosing your Wimbledon outfit. If the weather is scorching, you might want to consider wearing a sundress or tailored shorts.
If it is chilly, you can add a cardigan or light jacket to your outfit. And, if there is a chance of it raining, then be sure to pack a raincoat or umbrella.
Lastly, you won’t go wrong with white outfits, as this is the Wimbledon colour code.
What You Should Not Wear to Wimbledon
Now that we have given you some guidelines on what to wear to Wimbledon, it’s time to discuss what you should avoid.
To start with, you should avoid anything too casual. So, no ripped jeans, sports shorts, or dirty sneakers. You should also avoid wearing oversized hats because they can obstruct the view of other spectators.
You might also want to check the conditions of entry before attending, as a few items are prohibited from being brought into the grounds. These include, but are not limited to:
• Large bags, exceeding 40 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm
• Any clothing with offensive slogans or images, political statements, or promotional material
• Wheeled footwear, and more.
Hopefully, this has helped you to get more insight into what is expected of Wimbledon attendees in terms of dress code.
While there are no hard and fast rules, we would recommend opting for smart casual attire to ensure that you fit in with the general vibe of the event.
And, most importantly, make sure that what you choose is comfortable, since you will be moving around a lot. Also, don’t forget to pack a raincoat just in case the weather takes a turn for the worse.