Quality Suits in London: A Buyer’s Guide

As a seasoned sartorial devotee, when it comes to investing in quality suits in London, one must not underestimate the power of impeccable tailoring and a distinguished address. And what better address than Savile Row?

The capital of the United Kingdom has long been recognised as a citadel of bespoke tailoring, holding its reputation for over two centuries. Walking down these hallowed streets, you can almost feel the whisperings of the fine fabrics and the echoes of the masters’ scissors.

The Prestigious Savile Row

In the heart of London’s Mayfair, Savile Row is a testament to British tailoring’s time-honoured history and reputation. From its humble beginnings as the residence of military officers and their tailors, Savile Row has become the destination of choice for men in pursuit of quality tailoring. The iconic Row houses numerous prominent tailors, none more renowned than the Hidalgo Brothers, who have upheld the art of bespoke tailoring and refined it to a veritable science.

What Makes a Quality London Suit?

Selecting a quality suit revolves around three crucial aspects: the fabric, the craftsmanship, and the fit. The choice of material is paramount. Considerations such as thread count – the higher, the finer – and the origins and properties of the fabric, such as merino wool’s softness and durability, play a vital role.

Then, the craftsmanship: the mark of a quality suit is in its construction. A machine-made suit pales in comparison to a handmade one, where every stitch is placed with precision. Finally, the fit. A suit that does not fit well, irrespective of the cost, will never look good. The signs of a well-fitted suit are in how it drapes, aligning with the wearer’s natural body lines.

Bespoke vs. Off-The-Rack

A bespoke suit, custom-made to the minutest measurement, is Savile Row’s quintessence. In contrast, off-the-rack suits, while more immediately accessible, may not offer the same degree of personalisation and fit. While off-the-rack can serve well in a pinch, a bespoke suit is an investment in one’s personal style and confidence.

Navigating the Bespoke Process

The bespoke process begins with a consultation, where your needs and preferences are discussed. The tailor then takes numerous measurements to ensure a perfect fit. After selecting the fabric and determining the style – double-breasted or single, peaked lapel or notched – comes the first fitting and subsequent adjustments. Though this process may take several weeks and greater financial investment, the result – a suit crafted exclusively for you – is well worth it.

Maintaining Your Quality Suit

A quality suit requires care. Regular dry cleaning, storing it in a breathable garment bag, and periodically having it professionally pressed will ensure its longevity. A well-maintained suit can last for decades, making it an excellent return on investment.

Savile Row: More Than Just Suits

Savile Row offers more than just exquisite suits; it’s a one-stop destination for all your sartorial needs. The right shirt, tie, and other accessories can elevate your suit to the next level. Savile Row is also the perfect destination for the best suit alteration services.


Investing in a quality suit from London, particularly Savile Row, is a decision that speaks volumes about your style, personal brand, and attention to detail. And for this reason, we recommend choosing a tailor such as the Hidalgo Brothers, a name synonymous with quality suits in London.

So why wait? Allow us to guide you in your journey to the epitome of sartorial excellence. Contact us to schedule your first consultation and enter a world of bespoke luxury.


1. What makes Savile Row suits stand out from others?

Savile Row is renowned for its time-honoured tradition of bespoke tailoring. Its suits stand out for their impeccable quality, fit, and craftsmanship. Every suit is individually hand-cut and sewn to the customer’s precise measurements and stylistic preferences, using the finest materials.

2. How do I care for my Savile Row suit?

To keep your suit in its best shape, we recommend having it dry cleaned sparingly to prevent wear on the fabric, ideally only a few times a year or when it’s noticeably dirty or has an odour. Use a clothes brush to remove dust and debris, and always hang it on a sturdy, broad-shouldered hanger.

3. What are some features of a quality suit in London?

Quality suits in London, notably from Savile Row, boast superior materials, exceptional craftsmanship, a flawless fit, meticulous attention to detail, and high customisation levels. These aspects not only elevate the suit’s aesthetics but also the wearer’s confidence.